Thank you: 500 likes!


Just want to thank all the awesome people who contributed to my blog reaching 500 likes. It’s a pleasure to be introduced to you all here on WordPress where we express ourselves freely.

I enjoy reading random, stories, poems, and life events of everyone and I hope that I can be of similar interest to you too.

My immediate plan for this blog is to do a series of posts tracking my progress in the Self Authoring Suite ( A set of writing tasks aimed at improving your life by planning your ideal future, understanding your past, and discovering your true self).

I also wrote a quick short story recently which was a lot of fun to do. I plan to do a few more (I have a target of 50 in mind).

Also, I’ll continue writing article-style posts exploring mental health and personal development like some of my earlier stuff, such as Peace of Mind: The power within and Dissatisfaction with life: That niggling feeling. I dream of actually helping someone with these kind of posts.

Thanks again, and best of luck with your blogging!


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